Strawberry Farro Salad and Vinaigrette

Experience a blend of freshness and wholesome nutrition with this strawberry farro salad and strawberry vinaigrette. It’s perfect for warm days when you crave something light yet satisfying.

This colourful salad is made with the ancient grain farro (épautre), which is rich in fibre, protein, essential minerals and vitamins. Farro is an extremely nutritious grain with lignan compounds —plant chemicals with high anti-oxidant content—making it a key food in the fight against cancer, heart disease and premature ageing.

To compliment the chewy, nutty farro, the roasted walnuts lend a nice crunch to the salad. And walnuts are filled with heart-healthy fats and antioxidants! For the mixed greens, I added arugula, romaine, and spinach, which provide a medley of vitamins and minerals.

The fresh strawberries are packed with antioxidants and vitamin C and add a burst of juiciness and natural sweetness to the salad. For the best flavour and fewer pesticides, consider using organic strawberries if they are within your budget.

If using regular strawberries, rinse them thoroughly and pat them dry before adding them to the salad. Same goes for the mixed greens, particularly the spinach, if using non-organic, rinse and spin your greens really well. Strawberries and spinach are at the top of the Dirty Dozen List 😦 .

The thinly sliced shallots or red onions lend a mild sharpness, balancing the salad beautifully. If you don’t like onions, leave them out or substitute them with chives or spicy arugula leaves.

The homemade strawberry vinaigrette is simple to make. All the ingredients get mixed into a blender for a few seconds until creamy. Made with fresh strawberries, apple cider vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, and a touch of maple syrup or honey, this vinaigrette brings the salad together with its refreshing taste and tangy kick.

Optional add-ins, such as fresh herbs, avocado slices and chopped cucumber enhance both the flavour and nutrition, making this salad a perfect choice for a light yet satisfying meal.

This salad can be served as a main dish or a side. Enjoy the harmony of flavours and nutrients in every bite!

The recipe is below.



  • Cooked farro (épautre) * see note 1
  • Walnuts, oven roasted (or pecans, almonds, pistachios)
  • Mixed greens (I used arugula, romaine and spinach) *see note 2
  • Fresh strawberries, sliced *see note 2
  • 1-2 shallots or small red onions, sliced fine
  • Salt & ground pepper, to taste
  • Add-ins: fresh or dry herbs of choice, sliced avocado, chopped cucumber

Note 1You can cook the farro beforehand and store it in a sealed container in the fridge or freezer. Whole grain farro takes about 40 minutes to cook; pearled farro 15-20 minutes & semi-pearled 20-30 minutes. I always choose whole grain farro. 1 cup of dry farro yields 3 cups cooked. For a big salad platter, I use 1 cup of dry farro (3 cups cooked). Don’t worry if you cook more farro than needed — cause you can freeze it!

* Note 2: For the best flavour and fewer pesticides, consider using organic strawberries and mixed greens, particularly organic spinach, if within your budget. If you are using regular strawberries, rinse them thoroughly and pat dry them before adding them to the salad. Same goes for the mixed greens, if using non-organic, then rinse and spin them really well. Strawberries and spinach are at the top of the Dirty Dozen List. Whether organic or not, I always rinse the produce that I use.


  1. Cook the farro in boiling salted water and according to package (see note 1 above). With a meshed sieve, strain and rinse the grains under cold running tap water. Set aside to cool.

2. Roast the walnuts on a baking sheet in oven on middle rack at 220°C / 425°F for 5-6 minutes. Take out when done and let them cool. Then, roughly chop them. I recommend roasting the nuts because they become tastier and easier to digest than raw. And, in a salad, they are more crunchy.

3. Slice the strawberries and shallots (or red onions). Rinse and spin the mixed greens.

4. In a salad bowl or platter, add the cooked farro, roasted walnuts (or other nuts), mixed greens, strawberries and shallots. Toss. Add some ground pepper and herbs of choice, if using. Do not add the vinaigrette and salt right away (to keep the salad crunchy).

5. Make the strawberry vinaigrette (recipe below) in a small blender or NutriBullet.

6. Prior to serving the salad, add a small amount of vinaigrette (e.g. 2 tablespoons for a large salad) and toss the salad again. Don’t add too much vinaigrette — just enough for flavour and to lightly coat the grain and other ingredients. Additional vinaigrette, salt and pepper can be added to individual portions and according to personal preference. We had it for lunch yesterday with sliced avocado on the side (see below).

7. Store leftover salad in the refrigerator, in a sealed container & bottom lined with a paper towel.



  • 1 cup (196 gr) fresh strawberries, chopped in big pieces & green stems removed *see note 2 above
  • 2 tablespoons (tbsp) apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) olive oil, extra virgin
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup or liquid honey
  • Pinch of salt
  • Ground pepper, to taste


Put all of the above ingredients in a small blender or NutriBullet bowl. Blend until creamy. Transfer to a glass jar or bottle, seal and keep stored in the refrigerator. Drizzle on your salad.


Julie Zimmer

Julie has extensive experience in nursing practice and education in a wide range of fields from intensive/coronary care, to medical-surgical to community and public health. Julie has Bachelor Degrees in Psychology and Nursing, and a Master’s Degree in Community Health Nursing Education. She has taught in faculties of nursing and in various communities in Toronto, Canada and in Geneva, Switzerland, and is a consultant to the International Council of Nurses (ICN). Julie also has years of experience teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) in addition to coordinating an English department in a Swiss private school.

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